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    Friday, April 2, 2021

    The Binding of Isaac For everyone talking about shops being trash

    The Binding of Isaac For everyone talking about shops being trash

    For everyone talking about shops being trash

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 12:22 AM PDT

    Match made in heaven

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:51 AM PDT

    Edmunds tweet on the Repentance changes

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 04:29 PM PDT

    The way Dark Judas and 2Spooky makes you look is just... jesus

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:27 AM PDT


    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Bethany fanart :3 ( aaa i love her , they have buffed this character very well )

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:22 AM PDT

    Finally got my 3 mil percent! and now we wait for Repentance on Switch

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 01:53 AM PDT

    This item is actually fun now!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:57 AM PDT

    Isaac's Heart is an item I saw the potential in; you can enter curse rooms for free, play demon beggars, and more! Problem was that it was simply too easy to take damage.

    If you don't know, there are several changes to Isaac's heart now!

    First of all, when you fire, the heart will fly behind you, or at least attemt to if you're moving. It makes it so much easier to avoid damage, as you can simply move the heart away if an enemy or shot approaches it, and also use your body as a shield

    Also, you can charge the heart up by firing. The charge time is not too slow, and when you release it, the heart slams the ground and releases a wave of shots as well as dealing a powerful knockback, so you can easily get enemies off you if they get too close.

    I got Isaac's Heart today and it was really fun! The rest of the items I got was shit so I didn't get too far, but I recommend trying it out next time you see it

    submitted by /u/WwwWario
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    Shops should be reverted back tho

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    I’ve done the impossible

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:29 AM PDT

    PSA: Go into your options menu and change Bullet Visibility to HIGH!

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:36 AM PDT

    It adds a little white glow around enemy bullets to make them easier to see in Curse of Darkness and floors where the ground makes it difficult to see enemy shots.

    submitted by /u/CommanderBosphorus
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    the power of psy fly

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:00 AM PDT

    quick doodle

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:18 AM PDT

    1500 Hour Player - Let's be real about Hard Mode and the balance changes the good and the bad

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 04:41 AM PDT

    I've been seeing a lot about the hard mode changes and I understand that people feel like they are being gated out of items because of the jump in difficulty but I want to focus more on the gameplay aspects than anything like that.....

    As someone who has put a lot of time into Isaac, and been around since flash; for the past 3 years I have put more time into antibirth than afterbirth. Why? Because Afterbirth didn't do it for me anymore.

    I have only played hard mode for roughly the last 5-6 years. For three main reasons: 1. If I'm going to be passing by the boss kill anyway might as well get both unlocks. 2. I have graduated from normal mode. 3. The game WAS easier to beat.

    1- This one is pretty simple, as much as I love the grind it's more efficient and if my goal is unlocks that's what I'm gonna do

    2- I have enough time and knowledge in and of the game that normal mode is just flat out boring to me, I can look at pretty much any item and know what it does and how it interacts with my current item set, I know enemy patterns, I know room layouts, I know waaaaay too many room layouts, hell I even know floor algorithms too well i.e. the dollar sign room means your on a money FLOOR, I can't tell how many times I find myself in that room and instantly backtrack for a slot machine or secret room because I know my chances of getting the dollar or an obscene amount of coins is almost guaranteed. It's things like this that make it so I NEED something more to challenge me, to keep me playing I need something to overcome and when you have almost every unlock AND the game is easy you don't get that.

    3- I'm gonna get burned at the stake for this but afterbirth+ hard mode felt easier than normal mode. The increase in champions whose attacks aren't gonna connect and take two-three more shots to kill were way to frequent. You may be wondering how that could possibly make the game easier, but I found myself never out of ANY resources. When champions are spoon feeding you bombs coins and batteries the entire run I never felt like I was losing out on anything, always grabbing the shop item I needed or always getting every secret room, having my active whenever I needed it. This coupled with the fact that getting one item could invalidate champions on it's own turned the game into a loop of getting handed the means to do whatever I needed until I got to that item room and one shot the rest of the game.

    With the new changes to hard mode, I find the game A) stat checking me more often, but not always checking the same stat and never in a way that invalidated my run, more of harsh setbacks that would cause me to either change my ending route or force me into a corner where I needed to contemplate my next moves carefully or face the death screen shortly after. The increase in projectile speed is something I see brought up a lot and while I agree that double damage is kind of enough of a increase it's a welcome change knowing that I actually have to play better or take damage instead of; it's just as easy as normal I just have less hp. But none of these are real stat checks, I say stat check but it's more of a handicapped skill check, speed check? Tests your dodge and positioning skills. Health/Damage check? Test your ability to not get hit long enough to deal with the threat. B) Stopped me from winning the game simply because I walked into a shop and found a mix of a restock machine, broken watch, two heart container refills, or a battery. C) Lowered the amount of items I see during a run (health is more valuable less devil deals, less bombs less secret room items, worse shops less shop items) preventing me from hitting that ceiling where I completely invalidate the entire game

    All of these changes make hard mode well hard for me, and I love it, as someone who isn't really bothered by the I can't play the game for real until I have 3,000,000 on my file select screen mindset, hard mode now gives me what I want out of it and keeps me interested and normal mode still fits that turn my brain off relax mood.

    But all that said I think we can all agree that the shop levels being random up to your max unlocked shop level and restocks breaking from one bomb is bad and unhealthy. A different approach like items cost more or restocks exponentially increase the chance of breaking with each bomb more steeply than in normal would be a lot more welcome change.

    As for item changes is it really that bad? Tech X is still an auto win and brim is still well worth the price, I just don't get the infatuation with single items with no synergies winning your run for you. Blank card Jera breaks was cool and I don't think it happened too often to warrant removal but I have run into several situations where I notice that if blank card still worked how it used to the game would break in a far worse way, mostly in regards to co-op and bethany. But more than that so many other items are insanely good now, has anyone actually picked up BOBS BRAIN of all things? Bobs brain is now one of my most sought after items when playing the forgotten, yes a melee character. Why? Because it knows that if I swing at this enemy with my club and it also goes off on it I will get hit too, so guess what, it doesn't move an inch. But the moment it can do it's thing free of charge it's going for it, I know it can definitely still happen but if I can go through three runs on a melee character and never hurt myself than it just goes to show that items you might think suck are now real items. That on top of them adding more items than in Afterbirth and Afterbirth+ combined means you have so many more build options, you don't have to look for brim every game, you don't need tech X, you don't need to clutch at single items so hard anymore and it feels great.

    But you know what doesn't feel great? Boss Armor. Not that it exists, but that it only exists for damage build archetypes. We have all these different variable builds, but I am punished simply because my build favors damage output in a single shot instead of over multiple quicker shots. The damage per second can be identical but the length and toughness of the boss will not be. Boss Armor needs to factor in more things when determining how heavy it is. If you want the fight to last roughly a certain amount of time, great, make it that way for every build with minor variations from certain builds benefitting where others don't, but don't tell me I have to dodge literal thousands of extra hush bullet waves because I do more damage in two tears that hit for 30 instead of 30 tears that hit for two but are produced in the time the other build hits twice.

    Overall the dlc is a good return to form and a welcome one at that but some things feel unnecesary or straight up out of touch, shops needed nerfed not gutted, build paths should be more viable, making them more accessible and varied seems to be an afront to end game Boss Armor punishing you for not being a tear spam build.

    submitted by /u/StealthMosquito
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    Deeper Pockets does this now

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 08:04 AM PDT

    Never felt that middle finger harder

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 03:30 AM PDT

    (Spoilers) Ultra Greed got some competition...������

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:26 AM PDT

    Hard mode really is impossible. Don't know what they were thinking with this update.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 07:20 PM PDT

    Me after the latest nerfs

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:32 AM PDT

    Leaked screenshot of an amazing new feature from the upcoming dlc, Repentance+

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 01:54 PM PDT

    The most depressing floor one I ever had. Nice troll game.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 03:09 PM PDT

    The duality of Man

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 05:46 AM PDT

    I've been playing Isaac for 10 years now, This is my take on repentance.

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 06:23 AM PDT

    First of all, I wanna say that you can tell they made tones of changes for good or worse and I respect the amount of detail they went into.
    I understand that when you're used to something for so many years and suddenly the game has major changes including big nerfs it's a hard pill to swallow but be honest as I can. I feel like some changes were just for the sake of making some things more challenging or flat-out hard to deal with, but raising the challenge doesn't necessarily mean it makes the game more fun.
    I feel like there is a fine line between fun and frustration and tuning the mechanics to dance on this fine border is difficult, I salute Ed for the balls to actually make such a huge change for the sake of refreshing things.

    The things I like about repentance so far are:

    1. Normal mode is not as a breeze as it used to be. For someone who's super experienced with the game, it should be no problem winning most runs. But for newcomers, it is harder.
    2. I love the buffs to many items that were weak before, especially active items.
    3. Golden chests and any other chests that can give items feel better with their payout consistency!
    4. Reaching 0 red health when you have soul hearts is great, truly helps in so many situations.
    5. The variety of new bosses is fun, almost all of them seem fair.
    6. Devil deal tweak is fair, even if it makes things harder.
    7. Angel rooms are stronger and more often than not you'll get multiple items to choose from.
    8. I really like Bethany's design (I didn't play antibirth).

    The things I don't like about repentance so far are:

    1. Big nerfs to classic busted items. I truly feel like picking tech x once in 70+ runs and just decimating everything was part of Isaac's spirit. It was part of what made Isaac so fun. I think that snowballing should still be a thing if you get that one ultra-rare item that can demolish everything. I don't mind some of the nerfs but I felt like some op items could have been left as they are for the sake of getting that one run when you get super op.
    2. Hard mode got some anti-fun tweaks:

    Hard mode is harder but the way it got to be harder feels more annoying/frustrating than challenging fun and sweat in most cases. There are so many changes that are mind-boggling to me:

    • This is my biggest issue with hard mode. I don't understand why they made the shot speed of many enemies so fast, it's like someone got into the code and threw a multiplier on the enemies' shot speed projectile and never tested it. the fact that a simple fly can snipe you is annoying as they can easily be covered by other enemies' sprites and suddenly you just get cracked out of nowhere with no ability to react. some are unreactable anymore and you just need to be constantly moving, now throw some enemeis that chase you and default speed and gg.
    • Some enemies with rush attacks as stomps and jumps are, again, borderline unreactable and you just need to be constantly moving. I do agree that making the player engage more in the fight by moving more and making clutch plays can be fun but when there is a boss that can stomp you so fast and leave a damaging pool of blood so even when you dodged it you still take a hit it's just not fun.
      The same goes for enemies that teleport and drop on your head and shoot projectiles after the stomp even with high speed it feels like a bad joke, they always come in groups and you just find yourself constantly moving. The fat ones that can stomp on you have unpredictable projectiles post stomp, so whenever the 4 of them constantly try to stomp you in a normal size room, it's straight-up random as you don't have time to dodge their projectiles because of their high shot speed. this is not fun and not challenging but just random/pray to god moments.
    • Guaranteed damage rooms are a thing now in hard mode, especially with the enemies that can throw their head towards you when they spawn in every corner of a regular room, you don't have enough time to kill them or maneuver before they hit you, you just take it.
    • Some scaling of big bosses on hard mode feels unfair and not challenging. especially the hush fight. Hush was always bulky and took time to put down but even when you do snowball like crazy, Hush's health pool is never-ending because of how scaling on hard mode is now changed with enemies. Also one of his attacks where he spawns a bunch of projectiles behind you got way more random and unpredictable, you just sit there and pray to god it misses you when it covers the whole stage.
    • Shops are a joke on hard mode, enough said.

    The combination of bulky, faster enemies with a faster shot speed and faster rush lunge moves with how scaling on hard mode changed and the fact that some difficult rooms before are now borderline guaranteed damage if you can't kill the enemies in time is frustrating.

    My biggest hate/love relationship with the new hard mode is that I love the fact that it requires me to make the most of my runs but not for the right reasons. It is more challenging in that regard because I know that I need to scale better as the game is gonna get me with some bs eventually( which is a bad thing). But Now hear me out, if Hard mode didn't have unlockable items related to it, I wouldn't have tried to play fast and just took my time with each run to make the most of what each run gives me in order to scale up. but the fact that I need to play fast in order to do boss rush and hush fight with some characters on hard mode for the unlockables is straight-up frustrating and not fun.

    The things I'm on the fence about repentance so far and still don't have a solid opinion on, are:

    1. Bombs are stronger? upgraded bombs are stronger? active items with bombs are super strong! The reason why I'm not sure about this change is that it's not like they are mildly stronger for balance, some bomb items are straight-up op, and Idk how I feel about it.
    2. Hard mode has less health? less tinted rocks? and fewer heart drops on later levels? or at least it feels like it. not sure.

    I'm truly sorry for the long post if you did manage to read everything.

    I'm a true long-time Isaac fan and I love it, I'll never hate on it and I'm not whining. I just give my honest feedback and criticism for good or worst, take it or leave it.

    I think the way the devs chose to make some of hard mode's aspects harder, do not create experiences that you can learn from for your next runs(for example extra boss/enemies patterns that can be learned can make it more difficult and challenging while implementing a learning experience). It just creates moments of, "what hit me?"/"oh great. guaranteed damage room"

    I truly wanna see repentance doing better and I wish that Ed takes some of our honest and not whiney feedback into consideration.

    Thanks for reading :) and good luck with your next run.

    submitted by /u/D-Rekt-Effect
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    Just wanted to thank Edmund and the team for continually working on creating more content for this fun as fuck game.

    Posted: 01 Apr 2021 11:41 PM PDT

    I've put more hours into this game than any other game I own and really appreciate the time and care gone into it. They probably could've called it quits after Rebirth, but they kept listening to the community and fixing/adding more content.

    submitted by /u/Isaac_reburth
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    Excuse the bandicam logo, but this is the most insane synergy I've had in 500+ hours

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 07:11 AM PDT

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