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    Thursday, August 19, 2021

    The Binding of Isaac Item Discussion #51: Meat Cleaver

    The Binding of Isaac Item Discussion #51: Meat Cleaver

    Item Discussion #51: Meat Cleaver

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 09:37 PM PDT

    Welcome to Repentance Daily Discussions! Feel free to leave your opinion on today's item—pun intended—of discussion down below!

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    Item Discussion

    Tripping off the beat kinda, dripping off the meat...cleaver. Doesn't quite have the same ring, but it's a nifty item nonetheless. And hey, isn't that what these Item Discussions are all about?

    We've made it to #51, so y'all should be pretty familiar with what's going down by this point. My wonderful dorks and dweebs, hope you've had a lovely Wednesday, and that you achieve everything you ever want in life. It's hard to write this many intro—sometimes the well of creativity is pretty tapped. The item pool is still alive and well though, so, Meat Cleaver!

    Meat Cleaver

    Slice but no dice

    Item Effect

    • Upon use, deals 25 damage and splits vincible enemies (aka no Hosts, Grimaces, ...) in the room into two smaller versions with ~40% health each

    • If the enemy splits as part of their mechanic (e.g. Teratoma, The Fallen), they will instead take the damage required to split them

    • If the enemy has segments (e.g. Larry Jr.) they will have their segments cut down to half, rounding down

    • If the enemy has a cable, it will immediately be cut—Mr. Maws specifically will be left with just their head

    • This item does not function on Hush or any final boss except Delirium (which is the only enemy which can be split an infinite number of times for...some reason) and Mom, instead dealing a small amount of damage to them

    Active Item: 2 Room Charge

    Pools: Item Room, Greed Item Room

    Unlock: Defeat Mother as Isaac

    Metadata: Quality 1, ID 631

    Wiki Link

    Post Collection (New Reddit)

    Previous Thread: Suplex!

    Leave your opinions, experiences, and suggestions (for the item or the Discussion series as a whole) down below!


    submitted by /u/Nathansbud
    [link] [comments]

    Made some bosses/mini-bosses based on some items, these were suggested by u/ZailTheMaster and u/No-Valuable8338, if you come up with other ideas feel free to suggest in the comments, so maybe I can make a part 2

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:45 AM PDT

    An item in DELETE THIS spawned those freaks

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:13 AM PDT

    Me, an OG Rebirth player, telling anyone who will listen about my Lost war stories

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    “Isaac Beach Episode”

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 06:51 AM PDT

    Checkmate, item

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 03:29 PM PDT

    Drowned plum.

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 07:23 AM PDT

    Well, "Missing No" is pretty good I guess

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 04:35 AM PDT


    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 03:01 AM PDT

    Fanart?? sorry for sideways :/

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 06:24 AM PDT

    Some Isaac Doodles I Made A While Ago

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:02 AM PDT

    Got to the chest in rebirth with a jera and tarot cloth, I’ve never gotten this many good items at once.

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 10:33 PM PDT

    just had this happen to me and i felt the need to make this meme to cope

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 10:12 PM PDT

    this f*cker is better be amazing cause it was a hell to unlock them

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 07:21 PM PDT

    Snooping as usual Isaac?

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:52 PM PDT

    Next games gonna be a fun one (i love tainted cain)

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 08:29 PM PDT

    Playing Tainted Lost is some bullshit sometimes...

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 12:53 AM PDT

    I didn't actually take it

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:49 AM PDT

    Just foundthe mushroom version of the marked skull in the DELETE THIS challenge! (Yes it dropped the fool card)

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:30 AM PDT

    Wait... Why am i getting normal items?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:55 AM PDT

    Finally beat Greedier as Tainted Lost

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 05:54 AM PDT

    Relly, who is Speed ?

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 02:16 AM PDT

    Boys in black

    Posted: 19 Aug 2021 08:37 AM PDT

    I just got this as a birthday present and I LOVE IT

    Posted: 18 Aug 2021 07:56 PM PDT

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