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    Sunday, November 29, 2020

    The Binding of Isaac Isaac Daily Discussion - November 29, 2020

    The Binding of Isaac Isaac Daily Discussion - November 29, 2020

    Isaac Daily Discussion - November 29, 2020

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:06 AM PST

    Please post all scores, discussion and thoughts and today's daily in the comments below. If you want to avoid being spoiled about the daily, don't venture below this point!

    Feel free to use https://isaacscores.com/ to link to your score breakdown in the comments below

    submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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    Art- there is another! Mega maw, really fun to draw :)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 02:30 AM PST

    Art- candy bosses? I was asked to do this and I had fun making them! Here is mega fatty, scolex and bloat!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 01:55 AM PST

    The clay Duke of Flies

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:48 AM PST

    polyphemus proptosis small rock first floor

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 06:40 AM PST

    I finally did it!!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 03:48 AM PST

    The Staining of Isaac

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:19 AM PST

    For a nerd Christmas :)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:37 AM PST

    When you can't find Tammy's Head... Become the Tammy's Head!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:05 AM PST

    Love the game, have trouble not being disturbed by the themes

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 05:32 AM PST

    I really like the ideas in BOI, the synergies are amazing and it can be a lot of fun to play, but I struggle with the themes. I play occasionally but my husband plays constantly.

    Some background: I'm not looking for sympathy here, just stating some facts. Since 2016 I have had 5 miscarriages, so all the constant dead baby stuff hits particularly hard. I can mostly put this to one side, but sometimes I just can't. Part of me wonders if the creators know how much pain there is around these subjects.

    I know I should ask my husband to stop playing if it bothers me, but I don't want to spoil his fun, he loves Isaacing (across the basement, cursed). Hes already done Platinum God or whatever it is on one save file and he did stop playing for a while, but he watches Hutts and TOG videos on YouTube and it wasnt long before he was playing again.

    I don't actually know what sort of response I expect to get from this post. I just wondered if anyone else actually felt a bit sickened by the themes in this game?

    submitted by /u/luckdragonbelle
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    I guess an angel deals run isn't that bad

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 09:38 AM PST

    A Keeper guide for beginners

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 12:23 AM PST

    A Keeper guide for beginners

    Hello guys, after completing all Boss Marks on The keeper, i originally wanted to do a Steam Guide, but since i have TBOI on my Ps4, i had to do a Reddit guide instead, so hopefully this can help you understand better this character, and have a better time getting his unlocks, and boss marks. This is my first time making a guide like this, and English isnt my first language, so any feedback will be useful. :D


    1- How do i unlock The Keeper?

    2- What are the Keeper unlockable items?

    3- The Keeper stats

    4- Strategies with Keeper, general playstyle

    5- What are some good items to take as The Keeper?

    6- How do i fight bosses as The Keeper?

    So, how do I unlock The Keeper?

    So, the first thing you want to know is how to unlock this character in the first place. You have to donate 1000 coins to the Greed Machine in Greed mode. Remember that the chance of the machine jamming, depends on the character you are using. So it will become easier if you use multiple characters for this. I usually recommend using Azazel, Lilith, Isaac, Samson, or whatever character you feel the most comfortable using in Greed Mode.

    What are the unlocks of this character?

    Sticky Nickels (Defeating the Boss Rush as Keeper)

    Unlocking this makes pennies have an additional chance of becoming Sticky Nickels so it can be good to get even more coins.

    Super Greed Baby (Defeat Moms Heart on Hard Mode as Keeper)

    Noose Baby (Defeat Mega Satan as Keeper)

    Sale Baby (Complete all boss marks as Keeper)

    This is purely cosmetic, and only affects Co-op.

    Wooden Nickel (Defeat Isaac as Keeper)

    This active item is extremely important for The Keeper, it has one charge and a 50/50 chance of doing nothing, or giving you a penny. This can help you a lot for using sacrificial rooms, donating machines, but we will talk about that later.

    Store Key (Defeat Satan as Keeper)

    This trinket makes entering the shop completely free, as Keeper this can really help you specially in situations where you are gaining a lot of pennies, but dont really have that much keys.

    Karma (Defeat The Lamb as Keeper)

    This trinket has a chance to do one of four things, after donating to a donation machine these being:

    -Heal for a full red heart

    -Getting a penny back

    -Spawn a beggar

    -Increasing the chance of gaining luck from the donation machine.

    I personally dont really use this trinket, but it can be beneficial if you are mid-maxing in a donation machine.

    Deep Pockets (Defeat ??? as Keeper)

    This item makes you able to hold two pills/cards at the same time. It can help you in situations where you have multiple options of cards or pills that you want to keep. (Chaos card, Two of Diamonds, 48 Hour Energy.)

    Rib of Greed (Defeat Ultra Geed as Keeper)

    This trinket prevents Greed, and Super Greed from appearing in Shops/Secret Rooms, and also, increases the chance of coins after clearing a room, at the expense of heart drops, this can be really useful to generate even more gold.

    Eye of Greed (Defeat Ultra Greedier as Keeper)

    This item works similar to Head of The Keeper, but instead of having a 5% chance of generating coins, every 20 tears you fire, you will shoot a golden tear that turns enemies into gold, dropping 1-4 pennies if you kill them while they are on this effect. This usually costs 1 penny, but the effect will still aply even if you dont have one. Even if it takes one coin, you can usually generate more coins that you lose in the first place, so it can be good.

    Keeper now holds... a penny! (Defeat Hush as Keeper)

    This unlock is really bad, one penny barely makes a difference, but there some situations where you just need one more coin, and in these cases, it can be somewhat good.

    Crooked Penny (Defeat Delirium with Keeper)

    The best unlock The Keeper has to offer, it has a 50/50 chance of either:

    -Duplicate everything in the room (Similar to Diplopia)

    -Convert every item, pickup, pedestal, into one penny.

    This is the ultimate Risk v/s Reward item of the Keeper Unlocks, not only you can duplicate really useful items, or even get free devil deals, but you can also get just one penny.

    The problem is that, well, you have to Defeat Delirium as The Keeper, but we will talk about that later.

    The Keeper stats

    With all of the unlocks, Keeper starts with:

    -Wooden Nickel

    -Store Key

    -1 bomb and 1 penny.

    -Two "Hearts" (coins|every red/soul/black/bone heart converts to blue flies.)

    -Triple shot (-2 tears)

    -0.85 speed

    -3.5 (*1.20) DMG

    -1.0 shot speed

    -23.75 range

    and, finally, -2 luck.

    The Keeper, unlike the rest of the cast, heals using coins. And cant get more than 2 Hearts of HP. (Except for one item, but we will talk about it later.)

    Not only is he slow, he has a high tear delay, and also a bad luck stat.

    Strategies with The Keeper, and playstyle recomendations

    First of all, there are two items that are going to help you a lot if you have them unlocked.

    -Wooden Penny (Listed above| 50/50 chance of generating a penny or nothing)

    -Swallowed Penny (Completing Challenge #15 Slow Roll | spawns one coin every time you get hit)

    The reason i recommend these two items, its because they serve the same purpose, help you survive and sustain as The Keeper.

    The first thing you want to do as The Keeper, is either use your Wooden Penny at the start of the room, or use it when you are hit. I usually do the first one, and then I try to always be close to that penny, in case i need to heal. When you clear the room, leave the coins on the floor, this because:

    -Sometimes you need to heal and you dont have the charge of your Wooden Penny or it didnt gave you a coin.

    -So you can use sacrificial rooms.

    The Keeper has a triple shot, so in order to make your DPS as good as posible, your three tears have to damage the enemy, this can be extremely difficult to do, because you usually have to be really close in order to do this, and it does not help that Keeper has a terrible speed stat, and a huge tear delay, so you need to learn to hit the majority of your shorts.

    I usually prefer to stay in medium range to do this, so I can damage enemies easily, but at the same time, I can stay safe, if the situation is extreme, you can use bombs to reduce waves of enemies, or to kill a boss as fast as possible.

    Usually, you will need these stats with The Keeper:

    -Tears Up

    -Speed up

    -Luck up

    Another problem that you will see playing as The Keeper, is that you get nothing from HP up, and these usually are common Boss Rewards/Items in the Treasure room pool. In situations where, the item only gives you a HP up, you can use this to get a Devil Deal, and then recover the missing HP.

    But, in the other situations, dont take Devil Deals if you dont have a guarenteed Hp up. Instead, you should try to get Angel Deal items, because they are free, and usually defensive items. The problem with this, is that it can be hard to make an Angel Room spawn, but there is one method that will help you a lot for getting Angel room items.

    Finally, i recommend destroying the most urns you can, because these can spawn a Swallowed penny, and entering Curse Rooms is usually way too risky, so i dont recommend it.

    Sacrificial Rooms

    I have mentioned a lot of times the sacrificial rooms, but, why are they important?

    First, we need to know what they do.

    These rooms have a spike on the center, and have a chance to give you rewards when you damage yourself on the spikes.

    You will always do a maximum of seven tries, because everytime, the eigth one will spawn troll bombs. And the ones after that are Gabriel and Uriel fights, pennies, and a Teleport to the Dark Room.

    You need to keep the coins you generate on the floor, so you can check if there is a sacrificial room, if there isnt one, you can grab your coins, but if there is one, you can start to damage yourself, and then heal with the coins you have generated. Sometimes this can be easier, because one of the things that you can get in these rooms, are pennies.

    The payouts for each try on these rooms are:

    First and Second try:

    50% - Nothing

    50% - 1 penny

    100% - 1 bomb if the first boss has been defeated before 1 minute, so you can get the Moms Shovel.

    Third Try:

    33% - Nothing

    67% - "You feel Blessed!" (This only increases the chance of getting an Angel Room instead of a Devil Room, and you can spawn an Angel Room even if you have took a deal with the Devil,)

    Fourth Try:

    50% - Nothing

    50% - Random Chest

    Fifth Try:

    33% - 3 pennies

    67% - "You feel Blessed!" (Same as Third Try, but stronger)

    Sixth Try:

    33% - Teleport to the Devil or Angel Room (If you have not entered a Devil Room on the floor before, it will be a guaranteed Angel Room, even if you took a Devil deal before.)

    67% - Random Chest

    Seventh Try:

    33% - A random Angel Room pool item.

    67% - 1 Soul Heart

    So, as you can see, if you are lucky enough, you can get either a teleport/entrance to the Angel Room or a item from that specific pool.

    What are some Good/Bad items with The Keeper?

    ===Great Items===

    Greed Gullet

    This is, in my opinion, one of the best, if not the best item with Keeper, because it allows you to get more than Two Hearts. This instantly makes this a really good item, and a instabuy if you see it on the Shop.


    This item, fixes one of your problems, it makes your tear delay a bit lower than Isaacs default, and lowers your damage just a bit. Having a default/low tear delay with Triple Shot is really good, and it practically solves one of your problems.

    Head of the Keeper

    Helps with sustain and coin generation.

    Mistery Gift

    Really good item, you can use it to take a random Devil Deal item for free, the only problem being that you have to kill the boss without Wooden Nickel, unless you have Backpack. The best this item has to offer is its variety of uses, i personally use it always to get a free Devil Deal, but you can use it for getting a variety of items of different pools, including Angel Rooms.

    The Battery, 9 Volt, Charged Baby, Car Battery and Habit.

    All of these items provide the same purpose, make you use Wooden Nickel a lot more, generating even more coins to sustain yourself or buy items in shops.

    Hive Mind

    Keeper generates a lot of blue flies as mentioned above, so this really helps out with your DPS.

    Moms Box

    This can generate a Swallowed Penny so it will always be useful.

    Lucky rock

    This trinket generates pennies after destroying rocks, so you can get a lot of HP and coins if you have bombs.

    Piggy Bank

    With Keeper, it drops 0-1 coins then you get hurt, combined with Swallowed penny, you can get a lot of coins when you get damaged.

    Pyromaniac, Host Hat

    Due to your low speed, you usually will be damaged with explosions, these items can help you in those situations.


    This item lets you die during a Devil Deal, it can be really good for taking two heart deals.

    Diplopia, Credit Card

    Similar to 1Up, these items let you get Devil Deal items without consequence.

    Tractor Beam

    Makes your three tears to go in the beam, upgrading your DPS.

    IV Bag, Blood Bag

    I put these together because these are usually what you will get after using the donation machines, IV Bad is really good for sustain and a natural money generator, just remember that with Keeper, instead of a 1-2 coin chance, you have a 0-1 chance, this makes it not guaranteed to drop money, unless you have Swallowed Penny, which in that case, you can just use it safely to generate more pennies. Blood Bag, on the other hand, is also a good option, because you have two options: You can either grab it inmediantly for the good speed boost it provides, or you could wait and use it as a way to recover HP from a Devil Deal.


    aI already mentioned that, with Keeper you are always going to go for Angel Rooms, unless you have a HP up, this item guarantees Angel Rooms, so you can get even more items than usual, having this item makes using Sacrificial Rooms not that essential, but you could always try to get another pedestal item from there.

    Holy Light

    This is a good item in general, spawning holy beams that deal 4x your damage, the reason that this item could be not that useful sometimes, is because it depends on luck, and on default you start on -2, so the holy tears will apear less often, but it still provides some good damage against bosses, and also helps a lot in waves of enemies.

    Chaos Card, The Sun, Strength, Two of Diamonds

    Chaos Card is always good, The Sun and Two of Diamonds can actually heal you, and, Strength helps you get 1 Permanent Heart, this can be massive because if you encounter one, you can take a safe devil deal knowing that you can get your HP back.

    Judas Tongue

    This item lets you obtain two heart Devil Deal items at the price of just one heart, so if you have an HP up, you can take, for example, Brimstone, or Deaths Touch, and then you can recover that heart.

    Moms Knife

    This item is always good, it can completely carry your run.

    Holy Mantle, Infamy

    Really good defensive items, helps a lot for surviving rooms.


    Can heal you for one coin every 1 minute, really good for sustain.


    Really good for safety in Boss Fights, i have been saved countless times by this item, it offers a lot of help in fights where you usually will take some damage (Matriarch, Brownie, Adversary, Bloat). Having a Holy Mantle effect on boss rooms, will always be good.


    Underrated item, can help you deal damage and also heal you.

    Tech X

    Same as Moms Knife, really good item, becomes even better with Triple Shot.

    Tears up items

    Speed up items

    Luck up items

    ===Items that are situational===

    Every item that makes your tear delay go up, such as, but not limited to:

    -Brimstone, Poliphemus, Monstros Lung, The Inner Eye, Mutant Spider

    These items are situational, because, even thought they usually make your tears really strong, it can become a problem how much time you have to dodge without being able to shoot, so you depend even more on hitting all of your shots.

    Dead Cat

    Even if its a revive item, in my opinion it can be risky to take this item without a guarenteed HP up, because you will be with just 1 heart for the rest of the run. I usually only take this item in two three situations:

    -When i already have 1 or 2 guppy items

    -When i have a guaranteed HP up on the floor.

    -When im on a really strong Run.

    ===Bad items===


    Dont take this, it insta-kills you.

    Every HP item that only gives you HP, except when you want to take a Devil Deam item.

    Guppy Paw

    Spawns 9 blue flies, at the cost of one heart.

    Empty Vessel

    Does not work with Keeper.

    Dark Bum

    Doesnt give benefits.

    Maggys Bow

    It gives a nice cosmetic effect, but only that.

    Conclusion: The Keeper is one of the hardest characters in the TBOA, but even if he doesnt have the best unlocks, compared to for example The Lost, you can learn about position and dodging a lot better with lower speed, batting bosses with only being able to recieve two or three hits, and making full use of sacrificial rooms, personally, i really like the Keeper, but i think this character could have a mini-rework or tweaks to make him feel better to play as.

    I dont think anybody is going to read this, but i hope i can help someone that has problems to play with Keeper. :D

    I will later add more items to make the guide more complete.

    Sources: https://platinumgod.co.uk/sacrifice-rooms


    submitted by /u/happybread12322
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    WTF is going on ?!

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:11 AM PST

    Are there any seeds on Isaacs Afterbirth+ that don’t disable achievements

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:29 AM PST

    I'm having a very hard time with the game and was wondering if there were any good seeds for Isaac since he's the only character I have unlocked if so can u list them.

    submitted by /u/Cultist4367
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    New Repentance Blog Post: showing new items and enemies

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:13 AM PST

    First time fighting Delerium I didn't know what to expect.

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:01 AM PST

    Best Starting Floor Ever? Ended up beating Delirium and Hush

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 07:26 AM PST

    IT'S OVER! (for now)

    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 08:47 PM PST

    It was my first ever run in afterbirth (normal one) Im so hyped

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 08:23 AM PST

    Post it note

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:57 AM PST

    So I'm new to the game and beat the game a few times now can someone explain the symbols on the post it note for me

    submitted by /u/Imfamus_snowman
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    Having trouble getting to downpour (Antibirth)

    Posted: 29 Nov 2020 10:43 AM PST

    I just started getting into antibirth and the door the downpour doesn't spawn in. I have defeated the three bosses and gotten the popup saying that the door should be available, and i've done a handful of runs after to try and get the door to show up, so i'm not sure what the problem is. Any help is appreciated.

    submitted by /u/succmysausage
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    Posted: 28 Nov 2020 11:58 AM PST

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