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    Saturday, April 10, 2021

    The Binding of Isaac Am I the only one who always gets unlucky with these

    The Binding of Isaac Am I the only one who always gets unlucky with these

    Am I the only one who always gets unlucky with these

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 02:05 AM PDT

    I don't know if anyone else did this, but once the idea popped in my head I wanted to draw it

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 04:20 PM PDT

    Delirium life goes brrrrrr

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:43 AM PDT

    This must be one those "Devil Deals" everyone is talking about

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:23 AM PDT

    Still the undisputed best

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:29 AM PDT

    brother bobby my beloved

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:53 AM PDT

    I now hate this item

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 10:36 AM PDT

    ******** Dice Reroll Guide

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 11:59 PM PDT

    If you didn't know, the Spindown Dice is an active item unlocked by defeating Delirium as Tainted Isaac. When used, it rerolls all pedestal items in the room, lowering their item IDs by 1. This allows for some potentially powerful rerolls if you know when to use it.

    Left = initial item -- Right = post reroll item


    THE VIRUS (ItemID: 13) = MAGIC MUSHROOM (ItemID: 12)

    MOM'S BRA (ItemID: 39) = TAMMY'S HEAD (ItemID: 38)

    MAGNETO (ItemID: 53) = DR. FETUS (ItemID: 52)


    OUIJA BOARD (ItemID: 115) = MOM'S KNIFE (ItemID: 114)

    BLOOD BAG (ItemID: 119) = BRIMSTONE (ItemID: 118)

    CHEMICAL PEEL (ItemID: 154) = MUTANT SPIDER (ItemID: 153)

    TOOTHPICKS (ItemID: 183) = SACRED HEART (ItemID: 182)

    BALL OF TAR (ItemID: 231) = ABADDON (ItemID: 230)

    E. COLI (ItemID: 236) = INFESTATION 2 (ItemID: 234)

    HEADLESS BABY (ItemID: 269) = ROTTEN BABY (ItemID: 268)

    ISAAC'S HEART (ItemID: 276) = LIL BRIMSTONE (ItemID: 275)

    BIG FAN (ItemID: 279) = DARK BUM (ItemID: 278)

    LAZARUS' RAGS (ItemID: 332) = GODHEAD (ItemID: 331)

    MEGA BEAN (ItemID: 351) = TOXIC SHOCK (ItemID: 350)

    VENTRICLE RAZOR (ItemID: 396) = TECH X (ItemID: 395)

    SPIDER MOD (ItemID: 403) = CHAOS (ItemID: 402)

    DEEP POCKETS (ItemID: 416) = CROWN OF LIGHT (ItemID: 415)

    FRUIT CAKE (ItemID: 418) = SUCCUBUS (ItemID: 417)

    GLAUCOMA (ItemID: 460) = SINUS INFECTION (ItemID: 459)

    SULFURIC ACID (ItemID: 463) = EYE OF BELIAL (ItemID: 462)

    PAUSE (ItemID: 478) = VOID (ItemID: 477)

    ACID BABY (ItemID: 491) = EDEN'S SOUL (ItemID: 490)

    Repentance items are not included, as the item meta isn't fully figured out, and they all seem good or at least worthwhile. I'm sure there are some smaller things I missed but these are all the major rerolls.

    submitted by /u/pho65
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    Lil drawing (actually antibirth but pretty much same thing)

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 08:40 PM PDT

    Approximate Dark Bum drop rates

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 03:30 PM PDT

    The new challenge produces some interesting names...

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 04:06 AM PDT

    Here's Pestilence. Love his new design.

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:28 AM PDT

    When you use your health to get in the curse room and

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 05:18 AM PDT

    I beated my mom for the first time!!!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:14 AM PDT

    And im going to play tboi after i will get back home from hospital, any tips?

    submitted by /u/00faggie00
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    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 07:58 AM PDT

    Where is your god now?

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:31 AM PDT

    I found it very humorous that [ENDGAME SPOILER] is able to be affected by the fear status effect. So I did a quick sketch of him being nervous in Isaac's presence! (First ever sketch I've ever drawn!

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 07:09 PM PDT


    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    A biased review of the 17 cut Antibirth enemies(And which should, or should not return)

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 01:31 AM PDT

    To preface, this is all just my opinion, and while I'd love ALL the Antibirth content to be added back into Repentance eventually, I also understand that some of it isn't feasible, especially with the changes that Repentance made to Antibirth things, and that's perfectly a-ok. Repentance has been a phenomenal experience so far, and I've loved every second that I've played.

    However, of the 17 enemies that were cut out, some are definitely more head scratching than others, and have had some trickle-down effects on some areas of the game due to it.

    Let's begin.

    Dumpling, Skinling, Scab: Edmund's already commented on these 3, saying they were cut by request. While I find them Antibirth's most iconic enemy personally, I also respect their wishes to do so(And Dumpy is still an item, which functions exactly like a Dumpling anyway).

    Should they return?: While I'd like them to, Ed's already said all that needs to be said on it, and even though they're gone, Dumpy is still here.

    Fissure: This is the first enemy that's a bit of a head scratcher to me as to its cut. Trites are a notoriously obnoxious enemy, and you'd think in a DLC which made the game harder, that Fissure here would have been an obvious inclusion, but they were cut outright.

    Should they return?: I'd say absolutely here. Truth be told, there's only a couple enemies that I don't understand as to why they were cut, and Fissure is one of them. Trites are notoriously obnoxious, and Fissure seems like it would have been an obvious shoe-in to be included.

    Blind Bat, Echo Bat: These two are a bit perplexing to me, and from what I remember, Blind Bats WERE in the PAX build of the game, but were cut sometime since. While Echo Bats are annoying due to their control reversing abilities, neither really seem like they have any real reason to be cut. There are already plenty of dark rooms in Mines that were made for Blind Bats, and without them, the rooms feel a lot more empty. Seriously. It's very strange walking into a dark room that looks like it was from Antibirth, but all it has are 2 enemies in minecarts, and zero bats.

    Should they return?: I'd say yes, but with an asterisk. We know that Blind Bats were already in a prior build of the game, and unlike a couple future enemies, rooms that they'd be located in are already in the game, so it's not like they'd need entire rooms designed for them... but at the same time, I don't know how enemy spawning works either. While Echo Bats could spawn outside dark rooms, Blind Bats couldn't in Antibirth, and I don't know if it's possible to tag an enemy to only spawn in very specific rooms. I assume it is, but I'm not a programmer.

    Corpse Eater, Carrion Rider: Going to be really quick with these two. Despite being very unique, I always associate these with The Witness(Mother), and she doesn't spawn them anymore(For obvious reasons). While they could spawn outside of her boss room, I'm not too chaffed with them being gone either, though a Boney riding atop a bigger enemy IS adorable...

    Should they return?: Eh, honestly, they're no big loss. With Mother not using them in her attacks anymore, there's really no reason TO bring them back. This may be a controversial take, I admit.

    Necromancer: Again, another short one. While these things were plentiful in Antibirth's Maso, Repentance has already given their defining role to someone else, that being summoning The Heretic to fight, which was given to other enemy types in Repentance. While I wouldn't mind them coming back, I also don't think it's a pressing need for them either.

    Should they return?: Nah. Their biggest role was already taken, and I personally always found their gameplay style annoying. Constantly reviving enemies wasn't the most fun thing to deal with, granted, that's just my opinion.

    Nightwatch: To make it short, this isn't an enemy, it's an obstacle, and would need entire rooms dedicated to it, rooms that aren't in Repentance. It's an interesting concept, but it's more a hazard than an actual enemy, and adding it back would require a lot more work than most enemies, since you'd need to make entirely new rooms JUST for it.

    Should they return?: No. They're obstacles, not enemies, and while they're unique, they'd require a LOT of work, including adding in brand new rooms just for them and them alone.

    Screamer: I always liked this enemy, but the one thing I always thought was that it simply didn't fit the Isaac artstyle all too well, in my opinion. While I think it's cool as hell, it's a ReDead, how can it not be cool, I can also see why it was cut.

    Should they return?: I'd love them to, but I don't expect it.

    Strifer: Frankly, I don't really remember this enemy in Antibirth, but considering it's a Gaper-variant, I'm surprised it's cut. If anything, even if it lost the strafing aspect, you'd expect it to have been the 'doppelganger' on Maso/Gehanna. Hell, this thing looks like it'd even fit on Ashpit. I can see why it was cut, since having it only move via strafing would make it fairly wonky to place in rooms though, so it's one of those.... ehhhh? kind of enemies.

    Should it return?: Ehhhhhhhhh? That's really all I got to say about this one. Due to its movement patterns, it's very awkward, and would be very limited. Honestly, I'm more in favor of this thing becoming the Maso/Gehanna version of the Doppelganger more than anything. It'd lose its Antibirth gimmick sure, but I'd rather have it than not have it at all.

    Swapper: This one's easy, it was replaced by Begotten Baby. Considering Maso lost its double-floor identity in Repentance by lowering the amount of Knife Pieces from 3 to 2, and with a lot less focus on teleportation, this enemy lost one of its main gimmicks, and was replaced by a better fit. It could still be added no doubt, but man, it'd be annoying.

    Should it return?: Personally, I view it as being replaced outright. Granted, there's nothing to say that it couldn't return, but its teleporting attack would probably lead to a lot of unfair damage.

    Coil: Like Nightwatch, this is an object, not an enemy, meaning that entire rooms would need to be designed around it. Like Nightwatch, I view this thing as being unnecessary to bring back. Cool, but unnecessary.

    Should it return?: Unnecessary/10. It's an object, not an enemy.

    Stillborn: While this thing is ALSO an more an object and less an enemy, they don't need rooms dedicated to them, instead, they die as soon as every killable enemy dies. While they were extremely annoying, unlike Nightwatch and Coil, they could easily return to be honest.

    Should they return?: I don't see why not. I wouldn't lose any sleep if they didn't, but Corpse is severely lacking in enemy types.... speaking of which.

    Barfy, Vessel: I'm putting these two together since, frankly, it's like I said before. Corpse, despite being a late game floor, has a severe lack of enemy variety. MOST rooms in Corpse feel like Gaper-spam, which ends up being incredibly easy in return, despite being the final floor of its route. Personally, I don't see why either of these enemies were outright cut, and they, alongside Fissure, are arguably the "Big 3" of glaring omissions from Antibirth, to me at least.

    Should they return?: YES, GOD YES. u/_kilburn, u/EdmundMcMillen , you two beautiful people, if you can take time out of your busy schedules to humor this poor sap, please, I'm begging ya on my hands and knees here, Fissure, Barfy, Vessel, add 'em back into Repentance. Maybe the Bats too while you're at it.

    And thanks for coming to my Ted Talk over the most pointless shit imaginable.

    submitted by /u/Shroobful
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    Absolute Relief

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:53 AM PDT

    Memes until console release #10

    Posted: 09 Apr 2021 01:27 PM PDT


    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 12:56 AM PDT

    Unrelatedly I hate Jacob & Esau

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 03:43 AM PDT

    Wow Repentance really upped the difficulty on Delirium! Now the whole world shifts around you!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 08:33 AM PDT

    Yooooo I found this on the first room!

    Posted: 10 Apr 2021 06:02 AM PDT

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