• Breaking News

    Sunday, August 9, 2020

    The Binding of Isaac no we have relic at home

    The Binding of Isaac no we have relic at home

    no we have relic at home

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    I finally beat Mega Satan with the Keeper, all characters are now finished, what is life?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:07 AM PDT

    I just killed Mega Satan using a curse of the tower, cursed eye and the wiz

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:26 AM PDT

    [OC] I drew Isaac vs Mega Santa

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 03:37 PM PDT

    Don't talk to me or my son ever again

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 05:58 AM PDT

    Dear Switch players

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:39 AM PDT

    Just a friendly reminder of that, while you are in a run, you can start another run (Rerun) by holding both joysticks.

    submitted by /u/MyNameDoesNotMatter2
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    Made a pretty dope bday card for a friend of mine.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 10:10 AM PDT

    I know you probably see posts like this a lot, but I finally did it!

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 11:10 AM PDT

    Ultimate Size Down

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:43 AM PDT

    Just a couple weeks ago i posted a video of me beating Isaac for the first time. A couple weeks on and an immense amount of neglect toward my wife and son, here i am wiping the floor with Mega Satan. Worth it? No doubt.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 10:10 PM PDT

    I purchased Rebirth on the day of release as well as all of the DLC's. Today I finally finished! Probably not the fastest in the world though...

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 05:28 PM PDT

    Time For Another Animation!

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 08:18 AM PDT

    You can choose from three animations for me to make!

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/kevinb500
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    Interesting void floor I found , the boss rooms are only on the right.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 09:24 AM PDT

    XIX - The Sun

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 01:45 AM PDT

    Afterbirth Daily Discussion - 2020/08/09

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 03:02 AM PDT

    Hello, I'm IsaacDailyBot! I am a bot designed to create a new post each day so we can all discuss today's Afterbirth daily challenge!

    Please post all scores, discussion and thoughts and today's daily in the comments below. If you want to avoid being spoiled about the daily, don't venture below this point.

    IsaacDailyBot was created by elucidatr elucidater. If you have any questions or requests, please message him here

    submitted by /u/IsaacDailyBot
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    I am curently working on a "Reskin" mod of sorts for TboI A+. I don't think I'll do more than items, and I defiantly won't do all the items, but I just like the artstyle and wanted to try this.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 04:59 AM PDT

    https://imgur.com/a/EVJQIYH a lot of items are just put diagonally.

    submitted by /u/Alexandru__Harghel
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    first character to beat everything with. this...is everything right? lol

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 02:04 AM PDT

    how do i install afterbirth plus?

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:17 AM PDT

    I just now bought afterbirth in steam after having rebirth for about an year, I also saw that there was afterbirth plus on steam too. while clicking that it says that I need afterbirth for this dlc. Do I already have plus installed or what should I do?

    submitted by /u/lvl35beast
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    LPT: Always open your eyes when leaving Devil Deals.

    Posted: 09 Aug 2020 07:15 AM PDT

    LPT: Always open your eyes when leaving Devil Deals.

    Dear BoI community,

    What a close one! (The actual run that is talked about here).

    a few days ago, I had the closest run in my Eden Streak series so far.

    Thanks to my huge mental capacities, I accidentially entered the void portal before going to the cathedral. A perfect example for the game loving its players.

    If you are interested to see how it all turned out, I invite you to watch the recording I made of this run.

    Please give me any feedback on the video/the run/my beautiful hair/my huge mental capacities/the high-quality thumbnails/etc. I would love to increase the level of interaction both on the thread as well on the videos.

    Enjoy and have fun!

    Edit: yes, the emoji is cringe. Thanks for pointing that out via DM.

    submitted by /u/pinkypinkmano
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    Why are we still here ? , just to suffer ?

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    I have recently discovered how great Azazel is with flight and blood lasers. I had no idea it'd be this easy to one shot bosses with an item with a cooldown of one.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 08:45 PM PDT

    Elite bosses for non modded Isaac floors.

    Posted: 08 Aug 2020 07:25 PM PDT

    So.. Been a while huh? I'm back and here with a long and overdue post about a idea I had for a while: elite bosses but for the non modded floors of Isaac. This goes for both the two part floors and the later one parters. Hush's floor wont be here due to its short length. Also, some of these elites might share floors together.

    Dweller: A humanoid who has light blue skin with Famine's face. Dweller carries around a large sack around him. When Isaac enters the room, sacks are scattered throughout and when Isaac picks one up, Dweller will start attacking Isaac. Dweller can use his sack like a club and hit Isaac with it, uses his sack to cause a shock wave moving in Isaac's direction, summon greed gapers and rush at Isaac. Phase 2 begins when either Dweller hits half health or Isaac takes half of the sacks lying around. Dweller will become enraged and his attacks will become faster but Dweller will gain a new attack which has him spin around flinging some of his pickups on the floor. Dweller will notice this and rush to pick those pickups back up. Dweller will also start to actively go to the sacks that Isaac hasn't picked up yet. The battle ends when Isaac depletes Dweller's health to zero or Isaac picks up all of the sacks. Regardless, Dweller will begin to cry and try to run away from Isaac and if he is killed, Isaac will get a plethora of pickups. Only appears in Basement.

    Charlie: A purple spider that is smaller than the Widow but bigger than most spiders. Charlie's arena has many webs throughout it so its best to bring some bombs to increase mobility as the webs slow Isaac down. Charlie has two attack modes: crawling and jumping. When he is crawling, Charlie will follow Isaac just like Raging Long Legs though slowly. Charlie will spit out a level 2 spider or a ticking spider. Stops to poop out some bullets at Isaac. If the bullets miss, they make some slowing creep for a few seconds. After about 30 seconds in this crawling state, Charlie will switch to his leaping state. In this state, Charlie will leap after Isaac and wont stop for about 15 seconds. After that, Charlie will spawn a Trite before resuming his crawling position. This repeats until Charlie's health is below 15%. Charlie will screech before crawling up on the wall to move away from Isaac. Charlie will also start to poop out more webs onto the floor and will occasionally leap onto Isaac's position. When Charlie lands, a shockwave of bullets erupt from Charlie. Charlie will pant for a few seconds before resuming up the wall (provided he ins't killed). When killed, Charlie will spawn a few normal spiders and a trite for Isaac to deal with. Appears in Cellar but can also appear as a mini boss along the Widow in later floors.

    Ignis: A transforming and destructive fire creature. Ignis has three forms he can become to torment Isaac. These forms last for 15 seconds each before Ignis changes forms. Gaper: When in gaper form, Ignis will chase Isaac relentlessly and will also spit out some fire like the coal boys from Antbirth. Ignis will also leave some small flames behind him while chasing Isaac. Cat: Ignis will swipe at Isaac if he's close to him, climb up the wall only for Ignis to leap down at Isaac, charge at Isaac and can create fire portals which spawn fire collars. These collars will circle around the arena spewing out one flame every 6 seconds. When killed, the flame collars explode. Isaac: Ignis will only move by teleporting. When Ignis teleports, a cross like formation of flames will emerge from Ignis. Ignis can also summon crispies and summon flame pillars around the arena. Where the pillars will be will depend on what spots are glowing orange. Normal tears will do double damage to Ignis and Holy Water will kill Ignis instantly if he steps in it. Appears in Burning Basement and as a min boss in Sheol.

    The Devourer: A large dark green worm creature with a full set of teeth and red eyes that starts in a large pit in the room's center. The Devourer can only move by burrowing from one pit to the next one. The Devourer can bite Isaac if he is too close which heals the Devourer a little bit, spits out two large bullets which explode into eight small bullets going across the room and spits out two ipecac bombs at Isaac. At half health, The Devouruer will go to a part of the room that has no doors near it and ram into it creating another large pit. The Devouruer will also gain three new attacks: spit out normal flies, normal spiders, chargers, maggots and spittes around the arena. He can spit out a total of 5-6 monsters at once. The Devourer will also roar which causes fear to Isaac and whatever monster is near the Devourer. The Devourer will also try to eat the monsters he spat out to heal himself however much health that monster currently has. (If he eats a charger with two hp remaining, he will gain two hp back). Once his health hits zero, the Devourer will go to the center where he started and try to eat Isaac. If this works, Isaac loses two hearts and the battle resumes. If Isaac endures this long enough, a rock will hit the Devoruer instead killing him for good. The Devourer can only use the vacuum attack once and if brought down to zero health again, he will explode. Bombs can work wonders on him as they stun him for a few seconds. Appears in the Caves, Flooded Caves and Depths.

    The Cryptkeeper: A degrading Bony sitting on a rotting throne. The Cryptkeeper's battle is a six wave rush of monsters ranging from the basement to the depths. Unlike many other elites, the Cryptkeeper cannot attack on his own at all. The battle ends when the sixth wave is complete and then the Cryptkeeper explodes. Only appears in the Catacombs. The monsters are the folliwing:

    Hoppers, bonies, globins, horfs, knights, babies, lazor flies and vis.

    The Necromancer: Unrelated to the Antbirth variation but related to the Cryptkeeper. A black bony with purple flames in his eyes with a torn makeshift cloak and a glowing bone he uses to revive monsters. The first phase has the Necromancer flying around and roaring. After he roars, a few objects will fall from the ceiling which the Necromancer will then use his bone to launch a purple bullet at the object and it will become a monster. If there are more than seven monsters in the arena, the Necromancer will shield himself until half of the monsters have been disposed of. The objects and what they become are as follows.

    Bone piles will become bonies.

    Rags will become Raglings

    Globin goo won't be revived by the Necromancer but will still reanimate into a globin if not destroyed quickly.

    At half health, the Necromancer will become enraged and gain a new ability: he will raise his bone and clones of him will appear. The amount can range from six to 12. These clones won't attack nor will the real one but will fly around in an attempt to confuse Isaac. The only way to tell where the Necromancer himself is to look at the eyes. If the eyes are normal purple, it's not him. If the eyes are flaming, that's who must be attacked. All of the clones also only take one hit to destroy. The Necromancer will also crush all of the monsters sending bullets and bones everywhere if there more than seven at a time. When defeated, the Necromancer's bone will fly out of his hands and break. This will also destroy the Necromancer ending the battle. Appears in Necropolis but can also appear in the Dark Room as a mini boss.

    Sludge: A shape shifting creature that may or may not be related to Ignis. Sludge also has three forms he can take on to torment Isaac. These forms go on double the length of Ignis in terms of time. Ball: As a ball of tar, Sludge can bounce the room hitting walls which makes lots of tar creep and also rolls around slowly before picking up the pace and crashing into a wall causing more creep. Dog: This form has the same attacks as Ignis' cat form (expect the portal) but Sludge has a new attack. Sludge will howl which will summon four mini dogs which charge right at Isaac before hitting a wall and exploding into tar. Isaac: As Isaac, Sludge won't move from his current position and only has one attack. When Isaac attacks Sludge in this state, bullets will come off him and onto Isaac just like the original's Isaac battle. If the player uses a bomb, Sludge will die instantly. Only appears in Dank Depths.

    Miscarriage: A hybrid of a few characters. Has Maggy's wig, ???'s face and Isaac's body. Slightly shorter than It lives, this elite starts in the middle of the room and behaves like It lives but summons different monsters. Here are the monsters Miscarriage can summon:

    Scarred parabite

    Scarred guts

    Scarred double vis



    At half health, Miscarriage will change tactics and cease summoning monsters. Miscarriage will swing around the room with bullets raining down. Miscarriage can also scream which causes fear and cry which makes blue and harmful creep where it cries. If Miscarriage hits a wall, it will take some damage to due it being physically weaker than It lives. Unlike It lives, when Miscarriage dies, no bullets come out of it. Appears in the Womb, Utero and Scarred Womb.

    Beleghor: A power hungry demon that has two horns, no face but two red eyes and wings. About the size of Dark One. Beleghor can spit out five bullets three times, charge at Isaac, teleport and fire a brimestone laser at Isaac. At half health, Beleghor will roar and cross hairs will start appearing on the floor. These crosshairs show where knifes are going to fall from. Once these knives hit the ground, they will disappear after a few seconds. Beleghor also starts to throw knifes at Isaac himself. These knives fly straight at Isaac and stop once they hit a wall. Once his hp is depleted, Beleghor will laugh at Isaac only for a knife to slice him in half. Only appears in Sheol.

    Door-breaker: Once a high ranking angel. He was cast out of the Cathedral for abuse of power. Due to his main targets being The Lamb and his friends, he was forced upon the Dark Room for "judgement". The Lamb doesn't want to deal with him anymore so it's Isaac's job. In terms of appearance, Door-breaker is a tall dark figure with purple eyes and a frowning mouth and with no horns. Door-breakers main gimmick is to use trap doors against Isaac but these doors can also help Isaac avoid attacks. The trap doors have tells as to what is going to come out of the door:

    Purple means a few quick homing bullets.

    Red means a Imp.

    Gray means it's normal.

    The normal trapdoors are the ones you have to watch out for as Door-breaker has attacks that cannot be dodged otherwise. These attacks include a storm of bullets, a homing brimstone designed to out speed and follow Isaac and Mom's foot ruthlessly stomping Isaac until he leaps into a trapdoor. As the battle goes on, Door-breaker will start to summon the trapdoors in clusters. Door-breaker also starts to preform his attacks faster with less space to hide in. When Door-breaker dies, he is sucked into a golden door and explodes. The Bible kills Door-breaker instantly.

    Deacon?: A "human" with Mom's face on it. The battle starts with crystals and Bishops around the arena. The Bishops shield Deacon from damage and his secret while the crystals act as attackers. The yellow crystals will lock onto Isaac for a few seconds before firing a quick beam at him while the blue crystal shoot normal tears at Isaac if he gets too close. Only the Bishops must be destroyed to move on. After the Bishops are gone, Deacon will summon some followers. These followers have Isaac's happy face on them with a white hat and a yellow cross. The followers cannot harm Isaac and shield Deacon from attacks while the crystals do the work. If all of the crystals were destroyed before the phase started, the final phase will begin there. If all of the followers are killed or Deacon loses all of his health, the last phase begins. Regardless, Deacon will become enraged and throw his podium away. Deacon will then transform into his true form: a dark wolf with Dad's face on it. Lupus as the wolf is called can only swipe at Isaac and try to bite him. Once his health is depleted, Lupus will be flung to the wall nailed while nails fly towards him. These nails can harm Isaac. After this, Lupus will die and the fight ends. Only appears in Cathedral.

    Figment: A faded and glitching Isaac. Figment is a combination of Narcissus and Delirium. However, Figment can only become the sins their super variants and Ultra Pride. Figment can also only use items Isaac has acquired throughout the run. Figment tends to merge upgrades with what sin could benefit from it the most. (Example: Figment will use Dad's belt when he is in Lust's form and will use dinner when in Gluttony's form). When Figment's health reaches zero, he glitches out before a chest falls on him. Appears in Chest and Void.

    And that's that. I hope you enjoyed my long idea list and I hope whoever reads this has a good day.

    submitted by /u/Lambandloki
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